Jody has always been very involved in the life of St. Paul’s by-the-Sea. She was the Parish Secretary in the early 1990’s. In 2016, she joined the staff again, creating bulletins and helping in the church office. She later became the bookkeeper, and in 2020, Jody took on the newly created role of Communications Director to oversee the various aspects of digital communications between the church and the congregation, as well as the church and the community.

Jody has been a member of SPBTS since 1975, when she and her parents moved to the area from Northern Virginia. She has been a choir member, an acolyte, a Sunday school teacher, the director of Christian education, and a co-chair of the Parish Life Committee. She literally grew up in the church and considers it her home.

In the “outside world,” Jody has worked in many area churches, most of them being Episcopal. She has also held management positions in both the retail and restaurant industries. She loves traveling abroad (Italy is her favorite destination), photography, reading, and being creative.


The St. Paul’s by-the-Sea church office is located in the front, at ground level, off 3rd street facing Baltimore Avenue. There is a cement walkway to the left of the front steps of the church.

Summer Office hours are Monday-Wednesday 9am-1pm.

Email Jody