Become A Member
Become a Member
The first step in becoming a member of St. Paul’s by-the-Sea is to join us for worship. The second step in learning about membership here is to speak with the Rector. The Rector can also advise you on how to prepare for baptism, confirmation or reception into The Episcopal Church if appropriate.
Usual requirements for membership:
- If you are a member of another Episcopal church, you will need to request a Letter of Transfer from that parish. If needed, we can be of assistance
- If you are a baptized member of another Christian church, your certificate of baptism (if available) should be sent to St. Paul’s by-the-Sea. To be enrolled as a member, you may be asked to take instructions and, as appropriate, to be confirmed or received into our communion by a bishop of this church.
- If you have not been baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity, we offer age-appropriate instruction leading to baptism.
- Contact St. Paul’s by-the Sea office at 410-289-3453.